The Little Referendum That Couldn’t

Talk about a massive political screw-up. After working up a rare case of bipartisan policy support, and on energy at that (!), major political parties on Monday abruptly walked away from a referendum on the second nuclear powerplant in Krško (JEK2).

A picture of Krško nuclear powerplant with a referendum question blended in.
There will be no referendum on JEK2 in the near future

pengovsky should note this does not mean JEK2 is cancelled. On the larger scale of things, this clusterfuck probably will not even count as a noticeable delay. Politically however, this is – to borrow a phrase – a bitchslap heard around Muddy Hollows.

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Robert Golob Slapped With Criminal Charges Over Bobnar Boondoggle

Remember how pengovsky told you that the Tanja Bobnar fecal Hiroshima will come back to haunt PM Robert Golob? Well, guess what. After fucking around quite a bit, he is now entering the finding out phase. On Tuesday the cops formally filed criminal corruption charges against the Big Bird. Yay?

PM Robert Golob swears on his heart that he didn't break any laws with regard to Bobnar.
PM Golob swearing up and down he did nothing wrong. Or something. (source)

Before does their best surprised Pikachu face, pengovsky should note the following. Criminal charges against a sitting PM are almost like a rite of passage in this day and age. A quick Google search shows that over the last 20 years, just about every prime minister (and there were quite a few) earned themselves charges being filed against them. In some cases, more than once.

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Anže Logar Bails On SDS And Janša

Anže Logar, former SDS wonderboy and long-time heir-presumptive to the Glorious Leader, quit The Party earlier today. He sent out a short email quoting John D. Rockefeller with “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great“, wished Janez Janša all the best and told him he’s getting the fuck out of Dodge. Thus, after nearly two years of stubbornly sitting on the fence, Logar finally made his move. Sort of.

Anže Logar quit the SDS via email
Anže Logar’s break-up note

Realistically, there was no way Logar was going to remain a party member. Not after he formed his debate club and certainly not after he refused to sign a loyalty pledge. But, staying true to his political style, Logar quit SDS with all the flair of a wet tablecloth. There was no press conference, no gaggle of reporters, no grand exit. Just a low-key email, with a mis-attributed quote. If there exists a better metaphore for Logar’s politics, pengovsky can’t think of one.

Continue reading Anže Logar Bails On SDS And Janša