Anže Logar Bails On SDS And Janša

Anže Logar, former SDS wonderboy and long-time heir-presumptive to the Glorious Leader, quit The Party earlier today. He sent out a short email quoting John D. Rockefeller with “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great“, wished Janez Janša all the best and told him he’s getting the fuck out of Dodge. Thus, after nearly two years of stubbornly sitting on the fence, Logar finally made his move. Sort of.

Anže Logar quit the SDS via email
Anže Logar’s break-up note

Realistically, there was no way Logar was going to remain a party member. Not after he formed his debate club and certainly not after he refused to sign a loyalty pledge. But, staying true to his political style, Logar quit SDS with all the flair of a wet tablecloth. There was no press conference, no gaggle of reporters, no grand exit. Just a low-key email, with a mis-attributed quote. If there exists a better metaphore for Logar’s politics, pengovsky can’t think of one.

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Notes On Slovenian Recognition of Palestine (Part 5)

In an inexplicable bout of na¨ivete, pengovsky really did expect Slovenian recognition of Palestine to actually happen this time around. Well, not so fast, said Janez Janša.

Slovenian recognition of Palestine is once again bogged down in parliamentary procedure.
Recognition of Palestine is once again bogged down in parliamentary procedure

The recognition will still likely happen, but probably not before the EU/referendums vote on Sunday. And oddly enough, there is a non-zero chance this somehow ends up helping Robert Golob.

Continue reading Notes On Slovenian Recognition of Palestine (Part 5)

Showdown At O.K. Švarc Pipan

When a small-scale dust-up between Dominika Švarc Pipan and her detractors within the SD kept getting bigger and bigger, pengovsky realised it has been north of two months since the last post on this blog. As both readers surely know, adulting is hard.

Dominka Švarc Pipan surrounded by SD aparatchiks, with PM Golob in the background, during a commemoration event in spring 2023.
Dominka Švarc Pipan surrounded by SD aparatchiks, with PM Golob in the background.

But then the sussy real estate deal ballooned way out of proportion and started engulfing more and more people. To the point where senior SD kahunas are now making thinly-veiled threats against PM Robert Golob and his grip on power. At that point this scribe realised he better get scribbling.

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About THAT Janša Retirement Teaser

Muddy Hollows celebrated her birthday last week. And it just so happened that a few days before the big event, N1 media outlet reported that Janez Janša apparently floated the possibility of political retirement. This obviously stopped the political and pundit class dead in their tracks. It also made the off-year anniversary of Slovenian independence that much more interesting.

Silhouette of Janez Janša facing a sunset, symbolising retirement. A composite image.
Is the Glorious Leader riding off into the sunset?

On that note, pengovsky should point out that president NPM delivered her first state-of-the-nation-ish speech as part of the official festivities. And did a fine job of it. She also didn’t mention Marshal Twito, at least not directly. But she did tear him a brand new asshole by forcefully rejecting casual references to civil war. Something Janša was throwing around liberally over the past few weeks.

Continue reading About THAT Janša Retirement Teaser

Anže Logar Takes The Plunge

Former presidential hopeful, foreign minister in the last Janša regime and SDS wonderboy Anže Logar made the long-anticipated, on-again-off-again move and went solo. That said, “plunge” in the title is doing a lot of heavy diving, as it were. If anything, he jumped into the kiddy pool, with floaties on and daddy watching from the sidelines.

Anže Logar and founding members of Platforma Sodelovanja.
Platforma Sodelovanja skeleton crew /w Anže Logar in the middle (source)

Logar, still very much a leading Party member, followed the well-established playbook on launching a high-profile political project in Muddy Hollows. He formed an association. A true, honest-to-god debate club. Think Gentlemen’s Horticultural Society, only it includes women, too. And so, Platforma Sodelovanja (Platform of Cooperation) was born.

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