Like A Bad Penny, Borut Pahor Keeps Turning Up

While pengovsky was in the US chasing the solar eclipse, Borut Pahor was apparently chasing an EU gig. After none of the high-profile jobs he so often hinted at panned out (to great astonishment of a grand total of zero people), the former president would now like to be the EU’s Kumbaya man for Kosovo and Serbia.

Borut Pahor and Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić
Aca Vučić and Borut Pahor (right) (source)

Officially styled as EU Special Representative for Belgrade – Priština dialogue and other Western Balkans regional issues, it is a thankless job. The gig mostly involves coming up with excuses to organise meet-ups between Aca Vučić and whoever Kosovo’s top ćulaf is at any given time, while allowing the two countries can continue to pretend the other doesn’t exist.

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Better The Han You Know

Matjaž Han, minister of economy and a shrewd behind-the-scenes centre of gravity, is the new leader of the Social Democrats. He was elected in the second round, entering the race at the eleventh hour and narrowly beating Milan Brglez.

Economy minister Matjaž Han is the new SD leader.
Minister of economy and newly-minted SD leader Matjaž Han (source)

As little as a week ago, Han swore up and down that he is not interested in becoming the big kahuna. While he didn’t really do a full Sherman, his avoiding the top spot tracked with his hitherto pattern of wielding power behind the scenes. So when the word leaked that is about to take the plunge, it was widely seen as a desperate move. For a reason, it turned out.

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