So… Where do you fit?
Based on article and position 69 of the Law on sexual politics and public health (official gazette No. 13/2000) The Minister for Sexual Affairs and Planning
p r o c l a i m s
Group 1
100% incompetent. Will not and can not have sex. A lost case. Uses his appendage only to urinate. Is keen on literature and scientific work. Could become a saint. Rehabilitation impossible
Group 2
Wants to, but can’t. A historian, this man will fondly recollect his past exploits. Writes memoirs. No rehabilitation.
Group 3
A linguist. Uses his tongue a lot. Will play it according to his tastes. Compensates by reading erotic novels. No rehabilitation
Group 4
Party capable. Will have sex with extra help. Mandatory fucking by experts. Has read two books in his life. Needs special therapy. Partial rehabilitation possible
Group 5
A Monthly-Man. Will have sex once a month – on his payday. Will get fucked for the rest of the month. Will read nothing beyond the scope of Sportske Novosti. Possible rehabilitation by extensive support by social services.
Group 6
Weekender. Will have sex only on weekends and in self-defence. Reads only if forced to. Special therapy needed for full recovery.
Group 7
A Daily. Will have sex every day, with possible part-time arrangements, depending on working conditions.
Group 8
A super-fuck. Will have sex in all circumstances and under different conditions. Will not accept the words “I’m having my period” as an excuse. Has an empty head and steel in his trousers. Hasn’t read a single book in his life. Dumb as a dick.
Group 9
Maniac. Illiterate. Will fuck everything In sight: men, women, elderly, youngstes and basically anything that crawls, flies and swims.
In accordance with these Rules only persons in groups 4 to 6 (inclusive) will be provided expert assistance, whereupon the period of active fucking will have been doubled. Appeals will be heard and tested under an extremely rigorous fucking conditions.
On the day these Rules come into effect, any and all benefits for sexually challenged people will cease to exit. These Rules will come into effect within eight days of their proclamation.
*translated in English from various postings on the web