Jože P. Damijan And The Quest For Content

Seemingly out of the blue, things got very frosty between Jože P. Damijan, the erstwhile centrepiece of the KUL coalition, and the liberal part of the opposition alliance. The one-time would-be PM went on national telly Monday night and en passant lambasted SAB and LMŠ parties as being devoid of content and without growth potential.

Jože P. Damijan explaining his plan for platform on Studio City programme. Pictured is also host Marcel Štefančič, jr.
Jože P. Damijan appearing in Studio City programme (source)

JPD then added he is now working on social-liberal platform that apparently will not become a new social-liberal party and yet at the same time maintained that a new party in that part of the spectrum is needed. Needless to say LMŠ and SAB went ballistic.

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