[UPDATED] Will Thursday Finally See The End Of The Border Dispute Between Slovenia And Croatia?

UPDATE 29/06/2016 @ 1630 CET: The Tribunal has announced its decision which (at least in part) goes along the lines argued in the post. See the end of the post for details. Once for a change, Slovenia and Croatia have every right to feel like the centre of the world. It’s not as if they … Continue reading [UPDATED] Will Thursday Finally See The End Of The Border Dispute Between Slovenia And Croatia?

A Blessing In Disguise

The faces were long and the statements short in Muddy Hollows on Friday, after the top EU court nixed the Slovenian motion to find Croatia is breaking EU legislation by refusing to enact the arbitration award in the border dispute between the two countries. As both readers know, an arbitration tribunal ruled on border demarcation … Continue reading A Blessing In Disguise

Šarec Ad-Libs When Least Needed, Dilutes Croatia Spook Story

Despite being legit it substance, and an unlikely coup by the Slovenian intelligence services, it comes as a surprise to exactly nobody that the current iteration of the border dispute between Slovenia and Croatia is being milked for campaign purposes. And yet, PM Marjan Šarec saw it fit to throw a bit of euroscepticism in … Continue reading Šarec Ad-Libs When Least Needed, Dilutes Croatia Spook Story