Silly Season


Does The Prez have a mistress?

The media scoundrel who makes his living by spreading rumours says so.

Is this an orchestrated smear campaign?

Probably. Either that or the silly season hit really hard.

Will it hit his ratings?

Probably not. Most people actually think it’s kind of cool.

Is it true?

Don’t know, don’t give a fuck.

Why doesn’t pengovsky care?

As long as Danilo Türk does his job properly his personal affairs are of no concern to anyone but him and those closest to him.

Case closed.

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Agent provocateur and an occasional scribe.

5 thoughts on “Silly Season”

  1. A bit out of the ordinary, considering the title of the blog. A bit hypocritical, considering the coverage the relationship of Janez Jansa with Urska Becovnik received at this very same place. And a bit too shortsighted, considering the lady mentioned was mr. presidents subordinate in his previous job and is currently in the running to be one of the experts in the whole Slovenia-Croatia international hoopla. The implications would be at least sexual harassment and conflict of interests on the presidents side, since he is reportedly pushing her forward to become a member of the arbitrage commission or whatnot. Sloppy sloppy.

    I do agree that the president is free to hurt and abandon his lifelong partner as he pleases. I also agree that his choice of maitresse-en-titre is in quite good taste.

  2. Fair points. Almost. :mrgreen:

    True, Janez Janša and Urška Bačovnik got a fair amount of “coverage”. However, never in terms of slander and/or ill wishes. Also – this I must stress – only to the point where information was a matter of public record.

    Secondly, as far as shortsigtedness is concerned, I did point out that when and if this alleged affair starts affecting the way the Prez performs his duties then, by all means, it can and will become a legitimate subject of a debate.

    And thirdly, as for her being a member of the arbitrage court, I think we can safely say she’s out of the picture now, so this falls under the category of a smear campaign. No sloppiness here.

    Yes, I probably should have jumped at it given the title of the blog. However, others, who claim to be “serious and investigative” media have done so, which makes it kinda pointless for me to follow their “bright” example.

    But I do have a feeling this thing will be revisited. Unfortunately so.

  3. Ninja, please.

    “information was a matter of public record”??? “Zlobni jeziki natolcujejo”…

    Sir, your own record speaks for itself. You perused the PMs private life for attention whoring on your blog, as is your right and as is our – your reader – expectation! I for one demand smut infested political news. That being said, I did not say that you should have had ill wishes to the president. You could have simply congratulated him on his alleged choice of SO.

    As far as shortsighted sloppiness is concerned, you failed to mention any of the implications this alleged affair might have, including the possibility or sexually harassing a subordinate and the arbitrage court detail. Usually you are not that sloppy.

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