Contrary to media reports, what hit Silvio Berlusconi in the face on Sunday, was not a miniature cathedral. It was, in fact, a specially requested Chuck Norris’ roundhouse kick in the face.
via St. Luka
Contrary to media reports, what hit Silvio Berlusconi in the face on Sunday, was not a miniature cathedral. It was, in fact, a specially requested Chuck Norris’ roundhouse kick in the face.
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Haha! Sam’ na guob’c!
I beg to differ. It was Chuck’s pat on the cheek. Just served as a warning. Now…. a full roundhouse kick…. would have had other consequences 😈
@kinky tone: Ja, tako to je, če nisi za naše 😀
@drfilomena: You’re wrong. Chuck Norris never gives warnings. He roundhouse kicks first and asks questions later
@pengovsky: I’m with Dr. Fil on this one. Surely if Chuck had roundhoused Silvio the damage would have been more than a broken nose and the loss of a pint of blood. Or perhaps Chuck’s losing his touch?
I think more likely the damage was caused by Chuck phoning Silvio to announce his impending arrival.
Powerful things, telephone messages.
(Excellent storyboard pics, btw.)
Hello! Can I, use some photographes from your page for my school project?