I realize that Slovenian elections may be of little to no interest to anyone but me and some other hard core freaks. But thought it’d be a kindda neat thing to do, so I created a badge representing the latest poll results in the ongoing election campaign.

The badge will only display the data for the decided vote and will for the moment be based on the assumption that SD, LDS and Zares will form an opposition (left wing) bloc while SDS, NSi, SLS and DeSUS will continue in their existion coalition and will be joined by SNS. Lipa, for the moment, remains out there somewhere.I realise it’s kinnda nerdy, but if you like, you can put the badge on your blog/site as well by copy/pasting the following code
<a href="https://www.pengovsky.com/category/elections-08/">
<img border="0" src="https://www.pengovsky.com/sloelec2008.png" /></a>
Badge is 180 pixels in width and 235 pixels in height and will change every time I publish results of a new poll to reflect the latest numbers. Depending on coalition relationships the compostition of both blocs may also change as may the graphics itself. But the dimensions will remain the same.
Good that you realize your own nerdiness. That’s the first step, I hear…
But seriously, though, is it really that even? I bet it’ll be all American style with some old folks from god-knows-where tipping the scale in the end..
😀 At the moment there’s a whole lot of undecided vote, and the actual split obviously depends on the exact composition of the next ruling coalition, but if things go down the way it looks at the moment, then a split down the middle is very probable.
The results of various polls differ considerably, which one will you choose?
Always the latest one. As elections get nearer, results will become more and more accurate, besides on the whole, the results for the two blocs will not fluctuate as much as results for a particular party.
Today I was phoned for the first time in my life about who am I going to vote for. So, when you see LDS’s result is extremely high, don’t wonder.
At the end I was asked about being religious or not!?