No Show

My head this morning…

Replying on most excellent comments to my yesterday’s post proved to be a rahter demanding task, so today’s post is not an option. Veseli december is proving to be quite demanding this year, especially if the mayor is throwing a party….

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Agent provocateur and an occasional scribe.

8 thoughts on “No Show”

  1. Hey if they can’t buy off the media, they can always give booze a shot to bring those pesky free-spirited journalists under control, eh? 🙂

  2. You’d better show more “Gumption” at New Year. You’re up against some stiff competition.

  3. @dr. fil: I always claimed that all you need to pacify the press is free food and booze 🙂

    @Adriaan: Consider it “live ammo” training 😉 Competition will be handled… It’s the consequences that keep getting the better of me… :mrgreen:

  4. @Mr. P: Brave words need to backed by fine deeds.

    @Dr Fil: I think it probably had more to do with “Free Spirits”, than “free spirited” journalists.

  5. Well, understandable absence of post, since somebody is today’s star of “Vesti na Vesti”, specially around 4:10. 🙂

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