My head this morning…
Replying on most excellent comments to my yesterday’s post proved to be a rahter demanding task, so today’s post is not an option. Veseli december is proving to be quite demanding this year, especially if the mayor is throwing a party….
Hey if they can’t buy off the media, they can always give booze a shot to bring those pesky free-spirited journalists under control, eh? 🙂
Dr. filomena: 😆 😆 …
You’d better show more “Gumption” at New Year. You’re up against some stiff competition.
@dr. fil: I always claimed that all you need to pacify the press is free food and booze 🙂
@Adriaan: Consider it “live ammo” training 😉 Competition will be handled… It’s the consequences that keep getting the better of me…
@Mr. P: Brave words need to backed by fine deeds.
@Dr Fil: I think it probably had more to do with “Free Spirits”, than “free spirited” journalists.
Well, understandable absence of post, since somebody is today’s star of “Vesti na Vesti”, specially around 4:10. 🙂
@Luka: finally saw the clip at
🙂 Thanks for the tip!