Usually, Saturdays on this blog are reserved for more in-depth posts. I do so like to write lengthy posts which then noone reads (let alone comments on :)). But I feel that every now or then a bit of relaxation is necesary. I admit that I was very tempted to post the following clip on Monday, but given the traumatic experience I’ve put you through with the Cow Ball, I really don’t want to do it again. Yet… 😈
So, perhaps you can have a laugh or two while wathiching the Tower Pancers 🙂
Apparently shot in Brestanica, mid-summer 2007, originaly posted by e-Posavje
These studs got moves!!!!!!!
Da bi se vsi držali (vsaj) citiranja avtorstva, kot ti! Hvala,lp!
@Blaž: Pozdravljen! Odkrito povedano, sem link do filmčka dobil na mailu, in edini URL, kjer sem ga našel, je bil e-Posavje.
Če želiš, lahko objavo umaknem. Upam sicer, da navedba avtorstva tokrat zadostuje.
Lahko pa nam zaupaš kaj več informacij o kraju, času in vsebini dogodka 🙂
Ah, ma kakšen umik neki 🙂 Saj sem napisal, če bi se vsi držali navajanja avtorstva (za profitabilne ni pardona, denar je denar, kakorkoli obrneš) bi bil svet mnogo lepši. Tako pa se freelancerji še vedno počutimo kot Don Kihot z mlini na veter.
Kraj? Petrov sejem v Brestanici (Krško), konec junija. Glede na število ogledov, postajajo popularni. Zato je že tudi padel dogovor, da skupaj z njimi naredim predstavitev v videozapisu 🙂 Srečno
Uh-huh niiice. Reminds me of a certain video of two particular PhD candidates performing their interpretation of Karmen Stavec at a “Eurovision” party. I hope it never surfaces.
Thanks for this! I’ll second Iva 🙂
Especially the guy in the left bottom corner sure has style. Think he might audition for a position in a semi-pro belly dancer lineup…