
What the Germans couldn’t achieve, the weather did. Tuesday’s storms killed seven people, submerged towns of Železniki and Cerkno and washed away Franja Partisan Hospital. It is no more…


after (photo: Gašper Uršič, www.delo.si)

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Agent provocateur and an occasional scribe.

11 thoughts on “Gone”

  1. Oh no….I have cousins who live in both those towns. I hope they are alright. :/ How submerged are the two towns?

  2. This is one of those examples that we have to live for today. I never even thought that Franja might just disappear one day. And so in all those less busy weekends, I have never ever been there. And all it would take is one day and some good company. 🙁 😥

  3. Ouch, that hurts. It is an even more strange feeling as I have been to all these places slightly more than a week ago…. 🙁

  4. Pingback: Fabio Turel
  5. I was there early in the morning the very “next day” and did the documentation what had happened. You can see the situation with Virtual Reality panoramas and navigate as to be there: http://www.burger.si/QTVR/Dogodki/2007_BolnicaFranja/seznam.html
    Turn speakers on to hear the story about the Run for a life, I recorded it to my Mini Disc. When I had finished my work that morning first TV teams came.
    However…I did some preivious documentation of the location in the year 2005 and even in the year 2000: http://www.burger.si/Cerkno/Franja/seznam.html

  6. Hey, that’s some piece of work! I really love your site – especially the VR section. I did a virtual tour there before visiting Franja with Les Canadiens

    I would like to point out that at the moment yours is the only surviving Franja out there. Albeit in VR.

  7. It maid or will another “gone” within next 15 min. I sent that to Michael (carniola.org) too..:
    this maid be interesting and is critical today… as you know I am spelunker (not in the funny meaning…heh…) and also very sensitive for the enviromental stupidity… Cave Krizna jama is most probably the most fantastic cave system in the World, to patriotic? Well… check it out: http://www.burger.si/Jame/KriznaJama/KriznaJamaENG.html and the new discovered part: http://www.burger.si/Jame/KriznaJama/NovaKriznaJama/ENG_Uvod_NovaKriznaJama.html . You can navigate trough the cave system as to be there.
    Now, what is the point this message… today, this Friday at 11 hour it seems that all will be over. In the area of Bloke (South Slovenia – the bottom of the Slovenia shape) nearby Nova vas, was built the Water treatment facility for the 350 Pe (Pe – population units) which outflow is directly into the Pisani rov. Such projects are welcome but in the case of Krizna jama the project was wrong and made very ‘silently’. We (spelunkers) had protested to change the project in the way to save the cave, in the very beginning of the project last year but no success unfortunately. Krizna jama has one of the most diverse subterranean habitats in the World and Nova Krizna jama has even the highest level of the nature protection in Slovenia – at least on the paper… today the facility will start to operate as a “test”. As a “test”… yes… they will run is for a few months and then check what will happen in cave… no previous study or whatever… like in the “Middle age”… what can be done? Ministry of the enviroment said that all is under the EU directive, no “common sense”, no reality – only ‘by the book’…but even this not as the facility will run without the official approvement to operate today.


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