A Janshism…

…is not unlike “a bushism“, the only difference that it is uttered by Slovene PM Janez Janša. It could be that both – well – leaders come from the south of their respective countries and that their speech sports a Texas/Dolenjska drawl.

Both of them also seem to have a problem pronouncing the word “nuclear”…

Is there a coalition of the intelectually impaired so we could enroll these two charaters?

P.S.: I know this was posted time and again, but it’s just too good to miss. 😆

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Agent provocateur and an occasional scribe.

11 thoughts on “A Janshism…”

  1. At least I’ll know the answer on the question: What’s Slovenia known for at the next stand up comedy night in London 🙂

  2. “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” ROTFL

  3. I’d like to see Bush have a shot at a text in Slovene to make this a fair comparison. I do believe our PM’s IQ differs substantially from that of the US President. Their EQs might be more equal. Is there such a thing as a Conscience Quotient?

  4. The English bit doesn’t make me confident about Slovenia supporting Western Balkans countries when the conditions are met 😐

  5. You shouldn’t be… Not with this PM who doesn’t know his asshole from his earhole, at least as far as foreign policy is concerned.

  6. I mean, I wish I could say something different and more supportive, but this guy and his foreign minister (aka “the international menace”) are just plain awful as far as foregin policy is concerned

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