PT-141… The catalyst of sexual revolution 2.0 (according to Michael M.)
It’s party time!!!
Well, it will be anyway, once Palatin’s Bremelanotide (aka PT-141) gets FDA approval and hits the shelves some time around 2010. A detailed story about can be found here.
It would have escaped me completely, hadn’t Michael M. brought it to our attention while commenting his post yesterday. But now it seems like the drug of the 21th century.
Makes you horny as a rabbit, no side effects, works with both men and women and is not addictive…. What. More. Do. You. Want?
I just hope it’s not a prank…. It looks too good to be true 😀
What a disapointment! I thought you’re a natural born all the time horny and willing for sexual sessions:P
By the time this drug hits Slovenia, I’ll be old and wrinkled and the only firm thing on me will be my walking cane 😉
Dream on! 😛
Peace, brother!
It sure does sound like a promise of a next sexual revolution. 🙂 I just don’t get it why YOU are so thrilled about it. You must have a very good friend in distress and you’re glad he’ll get some help, right? 😈
P.S. I just hope this spray will have a very distinguishable smell, otherwise I’m afraid it might become the next rape drug. 🙁
He he 🙂
@Morska: I’m already at the age when one puts quality over quantity. Besides… One can never feel TOO horny 😉
@alenka: (Austin Powers voice:) YEAH, baby!
@Sunshine: Before I unleash forces of hell, would you mind elucidating? Are you saying I don’t deserve it, or don’t need it? 😈
@alcessa: WHAT? 👿 😉
I’m in that age too darling 😛 Even longer than you 😛 Too horny? That combination does not exist!:P
I was guessing this product would be kind of redundant for you. That’s why I’m surprised over your enthusiasm. 😉 As for deserving it, I don’t get this question. What can a person possibly do to deserve an aphrodisiac? Provide a clean medical record or “dokazilo o nekaznovanosti”??
Ali ne zadostuje več, da človeka nagajivo pogledaš v oči?
Hja Venera, nekateri se očitno ne zavedajo svojih potencialov :)))
Jaz sicer samo zraven pridem… vse ostalo je zgodovina :))
@Sunshine: I’m excited over the fact that aphrodisiac was finally invented. But I’ll take your comment as a compliment 🙂
@venera: Touche, cherie! 😀 Usually, that is all it takes 🙂
@Morska: You wouldn’t be talking about me, now would you?
Pravzaprav so včasih že besede dovolj, oči si le predstavljaš.
Zadostuje misel na roke, ki božajo in ne rabiš ne Viagre, ne PT 141
Talking about you? I can’t tell as I don’t have enough evidence 😛
Sicer pa sej veš… polovičarski seks je brezvezen :PP
What’s the big deal? You can already buy poppers on any street corner today. Sure it fries a few brain cells, but those babies are overrated anyway.
Saj ta tableta ti tudi ne da nič, razen želje.
@ Poulette: Poppers doesn’t work as an aphrodisiac if you ask me. This thing, on the other hand, is supposed to really make you horny. At least it was written so. 😉
@Sunshine: first hand experience? 🙂
@Poulette: It’s legal, for starters…
@venera: Da potrebo, ne želje… Željo vzbudi misel na (prave) roke… 😈
Yes. I was young and stupid. 😳 All it got me was some dizziness and a few minutes of heat. That was it. 🙁
Oh behave!
Peng: I thought poppers was too (at least in most countries) – my gay friends always buy it in sex shops.
Sunshine: most of the gay community would probably beg to differ… but what do I know?!
@Sunshine: Maybe you should have taken more… Or maybe you expected too much? Or maybe you’re not gay enough 🙂
@Poulette: Hm…. Perhaps you’re right. But (having read some more), I take it poppers are suppose to enhance sexual experience, not create one 🙂
@alenka: Looking for mojo, are you? Groovy, baby… Yeeeeees 🙂 (had do edit your link, it screwed up the page)
Še vedno brez sporazuma o smiselnosti uporabe? Bom jaz iz svoje krvi naredila svojo mešanico, pa jo bom prodajala… sam za posledice ne odgovarjam :))
Sicer pa… danes je na tv Rugelj.. on bi imel sigurno veliko za povedat o tem:))
Hopefully, when this drug is approved by the FDA, the price of defribillators will come down drastically as it seems one would need to have a defrib
strapped to one’s belt, right next to the cell phone.
Or, maybe the next version of iPhone will have a built in defibrillator, making the iPhone the perfect machine.
I write the ‘Bremelanotide Bulletin’ and enjoyed reading both your post and the responses here.
One of the comments I wanted to reply to was written by ‘Sunshine’, who said:
>…I just hope this spray will have a very distinguishable smell, otherwise I’m afraid it might become the next rape drug
Whoops! My last comment got cut off prematurely…
Here’s the rest of it. 🙂
Re: worry that Bremelanotide could be used as a ‘date rape’ drug…
That concern has been echoed a few times that I’ve seen, and based on what I know – you have nothing to worry about in this regard…
Bremelanotide is a nasal mist, like Drystan cold medicine, so someone would have to get it sprayed directly up your nose without you realizing it… something that would be pretty tough to do. 🙂
And even if it was possible to get it to work by “fogging” up a room you’re in, the cost would be prohibitively high. Perhaps only Bill Gates or a Saudi sheikh could afford something like that(!).
Additionally, Bremelanotide *does* make a person aroused, but it doesn’t cause them to go insane with passion. And it won’t ‘force’ someone to be intimate with anyone they wouldn’t already be interested in (on any normal occasion they may feel a bit horny).
Hope that helps! 🙂
– Steve Gerard
Steve, thanks for your comment and explanations. Now I’m even more curious about Bremelanotide… 🙂 Will check your bulletin regularely. Thx!
Steve, thank you very much for your explanation. Those were some interesting facts to read. 😉
P.S. Could you send me a test bottle of Bremelantoide so I can verify what you’re saying? 😈 I prefer first hand (or nose, to be precise) experiences. 😛 😆
If you do get it… Do share! 😀
Only if there will be some benefits for me in it as well. 😈
Of course! 😀
Now let’s wait for Mr. Author of the Bremelanotide Bulletin. 😀 😉
Hello again!
Well.. LOL… I’m afraid I don’t have access to any “test bottles” of Bremelanotide to provide you with just yet. 🙂
And some of the attempts I’ve read online by people ordering (what they’re told is) Bremelanotide have not typically been very successful. Most or all those cases also involved injecting whatever it was they bought too – definitely not something I’d recommend!
I’m ramping up to issue another edition of the Bremelanotide Bulletin very soon, and I’m hoping – if/when it gets FDA approval – that a future post there will have more information about how to purchase Bremelanotide or to get it prescribed by a physician.
Thanks for the responses and keep your fingers crossed, since Palatin Technologies is meeting with the FDA (to go over Phase II results afaik) next month!
– Steve Gerard
Damn, now I’m disappointed. 🙁
Just kidding. 🙂 So far I don’t have problems with my libido, I’m just curious. Good luck with the testing! 😉
Just dropping in to let you know you have an interesting site. I hope you’ll continue to work on it. Wishing you all the best.