Zoot suit – gotta get me one of those! 😀
From March 16 to 18, Ljubljana will be hosting the first ever swing festival on Slovenw grounds. The festival will include 16 hours of workshops, done in two levels, three evenings of parties, live music and last but not the least – a lot of fun and dance. The festival is hosted by the SweetSwing Society and you can find more info here
Highly recommended! 😀
This could very well be in the Monday Meat section. The guy in white looks hot!
P.S. You do look a bit like the guy on the left, so do buy yourself a zoot suit. 😉 It would probably look great.
I intend to! 🙂 I just have to find an extra 250 USD 😉
I was, however, thinkink of buying black – or bright green…
You definitely wouldn’t go unnoticed in the white one. Let alone in the bright green.
But be ready to chase away all the female “parasites” in the bar if you appear there dressed like that. 🙁
It’s your call, but just my humble advice. I think light colors (would) look better on you since you’re dark. 😉
Dully noted 🙂 Did you get my mail? I seem to have problems with my gmail… 😕
Oooooh yes, I did!
I don’t dare reading it again (now). Or replying. I was inefficient for about 30 minutes anyway. 😳
Maybe you should… It’s not all about efficiency 😉
I’m not sure my bosses would agree. You’re on your own and I’m not. 🙁 Besides, we’re connected to the server and who knows what is tracked there. 🙁
Anyways… Do those $250 include also shoes and THE hat? 😉
Dunno…. Ah well… I guess the juicy details will have to wait then 🙂
I thought you are recommending a swinger festival… Silly me. 😀
now what made you think that? 😀
You know, the usual stuff here. 😀
I know, I know… 🙂 I wonder if Sunshine is still efficient… 😉
I am not! At all… 😳
Are you reading my mails again? Or am I presuming too much?
@ alcessa: The festival will include a whole lot of swinging. 😀 If you’d like to join, maybe pengovsky can get a discount for you. 😛
No reading. Just writing.
I’d never join a swinger club that would take me as its member 😈
Ehhh, don’t worry. It’s just a festival, not a permanent membership 😛
@Sunshine: Oh – really? 😉
@alcessa: hehehehe
@ pengovsky: Aha. I hope you do believe me. 😉
@ alcessa: Oh, you’re a tough client. 😛 There will probably be guys in zoot suits. 😀
Sunshine: I kiled two Kennys yesterday and now I feel somewhat…elated. And I’d want them… naked. 😀 😈
I’m more than eager to read the result…
@ alcessa: As far as I’ve seen, they usually drop a few items once it gets hot on the dance floor. Maybe, they would lose a few more if you expressed your special request in person. 😉
@ pengovsky: You haven’t read it yet? It should arrive about 30 minutes ago. 😕
Cat ate your tongue? 😀
Haven’t got it yet 🙁 Gmail is having a bad day today….
…a really bad day, it would seem 👿
Sunshine: send it to me. I’ll make sure Pengovsky gets it. 😀 😀 😀
I’m not sure you’ll be in your right mind after reading it.
I guess it wouldn’t make a difference even if I post it here. I looks it’s our private playground anyway. 😛
I re-sent it. The bad part is I was hoping you’ll receive it while the cameras in your studio will still be turned on. I would love to observe the expressions on your face while reading it. 😈
Sorry…. I sent you my other e.mail address to send it to…
Got it…. So, what are you doing tonight? 🙂
I didn’t expect you to be “back” so soon.
It’s Thursday. Meaning it’s salsa night. 🙂
Ah well, then… More stories from me, I guess… 🙂
That would be nice. 😛 And now I’m going to take some time for myself. 🙂 In bed. 😀 Sleeping.
But without Pengovsky 🙂
Nope, you weren’t there. I double checked. 🙁
But you’ve got mail 🙂
Not yet. 🙁 I hope it will be here soon.
I was a bit too fast. Or was e-mail a bit too slow? 😀
So did it arrive now?
Aha, it’s here. Just read it the second time. 😛 Wow!
I take it you’re wondering if salsa is a good substitute….
I do. 😳
No need to blush, dear… I’m wondering as well 🙂
So, what’ll it be?
Can it be both? 🙂
If you can squeeze it, why not?
Time is flexible 😀 And I have no exact schedule to follow. 😉
Well then, let it be both… And which comes first?
Salsa will be second.