
Admittedly I hold a slight grudge against populistic journalism, comparing the incomparable – like wages in Slovenia and neighbouring countries. It’s easy. You just gather info about average wages in Slovenia and (say) Italy and Austria and – voila! – you find out that wages in both countries are 100% to 150 % higher than in Slovenia. And just to give some (undeserved) credibility to your research you compare prices of selected items such as a cup of coffee or a pizza. Obviously POP TV and its programme Preverjeno! believe that eating pizza and drinking coffee is all you need to survive.

But these generalisations are just the beginning…. I mean, how fucking anal do you have to be to let something like this happen?!?!

I realize that .08 € is not a lot, but really… is basic algebra arithmetic that difficult?

If I made such a mistake on my math exam in high-school, I’d have flunked. If POP TV makes such a mistake, one wonders how many have there been so far, without us noticing…

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Agent provocateur and an occasional scribe.

9 thoughts on “Idiots…”

  1. There is no such thing as too much sex… 😀 But no… sadly matters of the heart didn’t work out as I hoped. To be more precise, I didn’t see them working out the way they should in my opinion so I pulled the plug. Thus I feel rather blue today…

  2. Again? Oh, Pengovsky, tell Auntie Jean all about it–privately, of course. And I’ll give Auntie Pengovsky the latest updates from my love(less) life…

  3. don’t you think it is rather an coincidence that bought countries (slo and ita) have exactly the same prices for listed products. i guess you don’t think its an arithmetic problem after all. don’t you think that quick judgments like this(second mistake) are just bet publicity. i mean criticising something, and on the end it seems like they made a simple copy paste mistake but you where the one that made a bed judgment after lousy research. who is an ass now?

  4. Personally I don’t give a rat’s ass what was the actual reason for the mistake. Point is that a mistake was made and that they aired it. They have scores of editors down at POP TV and still they couldn’t spot such an obivous mistake. It’s bad media work and even worse journalism, so – to answer your question: they’re the arses…

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