Milič’s Left Foot

Sleepy Snoopy
me, this morning

This not a real post…sorry… I’ve slept nine hours in the last three days and feel like the wrong side of a car accident. I’ve been pulling several all-nighters in a row trying to finish a project and yesterday (that is: today at 4 AM) I’ve finally made it – with a little help from my friends (thanks Marko!).
To put in in the words of Master Yoda: “Tired I am… Sleep I must…”

But as not to dissappoint y’all completely, a photo from yesterday’s basketball game between Union Olimpija and Partizan Belgrade, where Saulius Kuzminskas suffered a concussion after a particularly unfortunate up-close-and-personal interview with Marko Milič’s left foot. Here is the complete transcription:

Kuzminskas (lying of the floor, face up): “Oh shit!”
Milič’s left foot (slamming down on Kuzminskas’ head): “…”
Kuzminskas (salivating): “brlbrlbrlbrlbrl”


Olimpija lost 70:71, but Kuzminskas is expected to recover fully.

P.S.: Irena, thanks for the tickets! 😀

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Agent provocateur and an occasional scribe.

3 thoughts on “Milič’s Left Foot”

  1. You mean looking like a wrong side of a car accident is not your normal every day look? ;)Uf…

    Anyways, I’m glad you’ve finished your lil pet cementary project before you’d become a permanent resident there!

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