Josip Broz Tito (sketch by Božidar Jakac)
Were it not for the good doctor, It would have slipped past me. But it didn’t Today is the 29th.
Josip Broz Tito (sketch by Božidar Jakac)
Were it not for the good doctor, It would have slipped past me. But it didn’t Today is the 29th.
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Hey, the ‘old man’ stared at me from a copy of that sketch throughout the years of elementary school 🙂
Reminds me of how we used to begin our classes underneath that work of art every day. One of us (dežurni) would get up in front of the class at 8 am and say “Death to Fascism” to which the entire class would reply “Freedom to the Nation”.
Not much unlike a prayer, I’m sure alcessa would agree!
Hm… I don’t know which school you went to, but in our school we used to say: “Za domovino s Titom, naprej!” (For the country, forward with Tito)
Sheeesh I’m so old! Of course!!! That’s what we used to say 🙂 Even closer to prayer, though 😀
Gosh, major EMŠO alert!
I wish we could have yelled out ‘Death to Fascim!’ at the start of each school day when I was in high school. For more than one reason…
Mi smo Titovi, Tito je nas. For some reason, 2nd thing I was taught in Slov class, and one of the few I remember.
Never got to know what heppened with poor Luks in the end, though 🙁
W November the 29!
Tito had to have a Nobel for Peace. But because, “american hobby, and isarel lobby” were the reason why not!