The hike around Ljubljana on May 12th is now officialy on! So pack a spare pair of socks, clean up your sneakers or hiking boots, run out to buy a couple of bottles of water, a chocolate bar and some bateries for your camera.
Details will be forthcoming some time next week – no later than next Saturday. In the mean time, applications are welcome!
Wish I could be there, but with no days off and already flying to Glasgow the 17th and London the week after, I’ll have to pass.It would have been the perfect excuse for another trip here, though… 😉
Jay and I were just talking about this today and I think we can say for sure that we will be there. We may even be able to recruit some other Canadians if other English (and French, of course) speakers are wanted on the voyage. We are going to have to insist that Jean bring the dog along though. Walking is better when there is four legged accompaniment.
Does that cover the application process or are there other steps I should know about? 🙂
@ARF: Damn… But we’ll make up for it tonight, I promise 😀
@lisa: That’s basically it, I will, however, eventually ask everyone to mail me their phone numbers as a contingency meausre on the 12th…
So “sleeping with Pengovksy” is not a condition of admission? Can it be a reward, then, for successfully completing the walk?
Dog and I are in. We’re already training. We went for a lovely 3-km walk yesterday along a nature trail from Ajdovscina to the source of the Hubelj. All we have to do is add another 32 km and we’re good.
Anyone want to have a group training hike the weekend before? We can do it in the Karst starting from my village. I can supply the landscape, trails, guiding and dogs. If you want to have a picnic at my place afterwards that would be fine, too, if other people can organize the food etc. Potluck style? I don’t have a grill (yet) but maybe someone could bring one.
Hey Jean, that sounds really good! Jay and I will unfortunately be hosting some people from afar that weekend (well, that parts not unfortunate as I’m rather looking forward to it) but I am sad that it means no Karst hiking for us.
You are ALL going to get the reward 😯 ?
Hehe…. Only if I get to choose the recipient(s) of the award 😀
Ma, v tem primeru nimamo šanse, ker bo Lyra pokosila vso konkurenco.
Ouch… Nice one 🙂